MyWay Route Planner works in EVERY industry

Want to know how it can work in yours?
Route Planner for Plumbers, Gardeners, Tradies, Builders, Building Inspectors, etc.

Route Planner for Service Companies

When it comes to service, ensuring that your technicians are spending more time serving customers and less time behind the wheel is essential. Some of the biggest challenges in the service business include managing schedules, planning daily routes, and showing up on time. MyWay's complex algorithms automatically analyze the list of stops, distances, and traffic patterns build the most efficient routes for your technicians. Service more customers and reduce technician drive time utilizing best-in-class service route planning and optimization software. Schedule more daily stops for technicians, or give them the freedom to accomplish the same amount in a shorter time frame.

Get MyWay Route Planner Now!

MyWay app helps you to build efficient routes and saves you up to 30% of your time and money on fuel

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4.8 rating on the Apple App Store

Trusted by over 600,000+ drivers across 150 countries

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"After endless hours spent on choosing a good delivery planner, I finally have found this one. Good looking, with good address coverage, allows you to optimize stops without any need to buy a subscription. Just amazing.”

Mark Strayer
Courier driver

One app to rule them all...