MyWay Route Planner is the ultimate tool for local delivery businesses. Optimize your delivery routes, saving time and fuel costs while ensuring timely service. Manage up to 200 stops per route with features like proof of delivery, priority settings, and real-time traffic updates. Whether you're delivering food, parcels, or other goods, MyWay helps you navigate efficiently, with easy address imports and route tracking. Ideal for small businesses and large enterprises alike, MyWay Route Planner keeps your local delivery operations running smoothly and profitably.
"MyWay Route Planner has streamlined my daily sales visits. It efficiently organizes my routes, saving me valuable time and ensuring I reach all my clients promptly. The intuitive interface makes navigation seamless. A must-have for any sales professional."
"I’ve been using MyWay Route Planner for a while now, and it’s great. I can optimize hundreds of stops in no time, and the ability to manage routes based on delivery windows is super useful. It has made my job far more efficient."
"The ability to manage long routes and set stop priorities makes MyWay an essential tool. It’s saved me hours every week. The live traffic feature is precise and helps me avoid delays, keeping my deliveries on schedule. Fantastic app."
"As a UPS driver, MyWay Route Planner has been a game-changer for me. My routes are usually 100+ stops daily, so MyWay saves me hours and reduces fuel costs dramatically. The live traffic feature is spot on, and integration with Google Maps is seamless. Highly recommended for any driver out there!"
"As a field technician, MyWay Route Planner is a game-changer! It helps me plan my service calls effectively, reducing travel time and increasing customer satisfaction. The app's extensive address coverage and reliable navigation never disappoint. Thumbs up!"
"MyWay has been incredibly helpful for my daily routes. The app is intuitive, and I can adjust stops easily. Managing routes with various priorities and time windows is now stress-free. It’s the best route planner I’ve used."
MyWay app helps you to build efficient routes and saves you up to 30% of your time and money on fuel