How MyWay Route Planner compares to competitors.

Let's face it. We live in a world of competition, and you need to know which is the best to make a choice. Here are our top 6 competitors so you can see what they have/don't.

Feature MyWay MyWay
Play Store Rating 4.8 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.8 3.3
Monthly Plan Price $9.99 $14.99 $20 $14.99 $9.99 $10 $17.1
Free Stops / Route 20 12 10 8 10
Max Stops Per Route 200 2000* 500 200 500* 1000* 1000*
Proof Of Delivery
Route Sharing
Download Trip Reports
Time Windows Based Optimisation
Parcel Identification
Photo Import
File Import
Pickup / Delivery
User Interface / Functionality Simple / Good Complex / Good Simple / Basic Complex / Basic Complex / Basic Complex / Basic Complex / Basic

* amount of max stops per route is irrelevant as destination matrix build by direct distance and does not take actual road layout into account
** some data and numbers (like rating and price) are subject to change as per dynamic affect and parameters based on specific store in specific country

Interested in a more detailed comparison?

Please check articles above if you want a deep comparison between our competitors and MyWay Route Planner.

Trusted by over 600,000+ drivers across 150 countries

"After endless hours spent on choosing a good delivery planner, I finally have found this one. Good looking, with good address coverage, allows you to optimize stops without any need to buy a subscription. Just amazing.”

Mark Strayer
Courier driver

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MyWay app helps you to build efficient routes and saves you up to 30% of your time and money on fuel

4.8 rating on the Apple App Store