MyWay Route Planner works in EVERY industry

Want to know how it can work in yours?
Route Planner for Food Delivery

Route optimization for Food Delivery

Optimize your food delivery routes with MyWay Route Planner. Reduce delivery times and fuel costs with our advanced route optimization features. Manage up to 200 stops, with live traffic updates, priority settings, and proof of delivery options. Whether you're delivering hot meals or catering services, MyWay ensures fast and efficient routes. Easily import addresses, track routes, and navigate with your favorite map app. MyWay Route Planner is the perfect tool for food delivery businesses looking to increase efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Trusted by 600,000+ drivers across 150 countries

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"This app is a must for any FedEx driver. The time windows and priority features let me manage my stops perfectly. I can avoid traffic and save on fuel while hitting all my deliveries. MyWay is now an essential tool in my delivery routine."

Bryan Knot
FedEx Driver
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"I rely on this amazing app every day for work! It provides excellent coverage of addresses and simplifies my route planning. The user interface is intuitive and the navigation features are top-notch. Highly recommended for sales professionals!"

Emma Reynolds
Sales Manager
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"MyWay Route Planner has streamlined my daily sales visits. It efficiently organizes my routes, saving me valuable time and ensuring I reach all my clients promptly. The intuitive interface makes navigation seamless. A must-have for any sales professional."

Sarah Wheels
Sales Representative
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"Running a business requires efficient planning, and MyWay Route Planner is the perfect companion. It allows me to optimize my daily schedules, saving both time and money. The app's user-friendly interface and accurate directions make it an invaluable asset."

Laura Jenkins
Business Owner
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"MyWay Route Planner is a game-changer for couriers like myself. It helps me plan the most efficient routes, optimizing delivery times and minimizing fuel costs. The turn-by-turn navigation is spot-on, ensuring I never miss a delivery. Highly recommend it!"

Lisa Bowen
full starfull starfull starfull starfull star

"This app gets better with every update. The developer clearly has an understanding of transportation and routing. Every update makes this even better. Excellent route planning tool with many cool features. A clear winner for me.”

Jamie Philips
Delivery Courier, FedEx

Get MyWay Route Planner Now!

MyWay app helps you to build efficient routes and saves you up to 30% of your time and money on fuel

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4.8 rating on the App Store